[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image source=”featured_image” img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]AT OUR PRACTICE located in Centralia (also serving patients in Chehalis), we offer neuromuscular dentistry treatments. While traditional dental care focuses primarily on teeth and gums, we delve deeper, addressing the intricate connection between the oral cavity, musculoskeletal system, nerves, and your overall well-being. We aim to provide you with insights into what neuromuscular dentistry is, what our dedicated team can offer you, and the ways our specialized approach can transform your oral health and your life.
Exploring Neuromuscular Dentistry
Neuromuscular dentistry extends beyond the conventional boundaries of dental care. Its core principle revolves around achieving a harmonious balance within the complex system of teeth, jaws, muscles, and nerves. This holistic approach allows us to promote not only optimal oral health but also enhance your overall wellness.
The Role of a Neuromuscular Dentist
Our experienced neuromuscular dentists are dedicated to evaluating and treating various conditions related to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its surrounding structures. The TMJ is the pivotal joint that connects your jawbone to your skull, enabling essential functions such as speech, chewing, and swallowing. When issues arise within this intricate system, it can lead to a range of problems, including:
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD): TMD is characterized by discomfort and dysfunction in the TMJ. Symptoms may manifest as jaw pain, headaches, clicking or popping noises in the jaw, and difficulty in opening or closing the mouth.
- Bruxism: Bruxism refers to the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth, often occurring during sleep. Left unmanaged, it can result in tooth damage, TMJ complications, and persistent headaches.
- Orthodontic Challenges: Neuromuscular dentistry takes into account the alignment of your teeth and jaws concerning your overall musculoskeletal system. We may recommend orthodontic treatments to rectify misalignments contributing to TMD or other issues.
- Chronic Facial Discomfort: If you experience unexplained chronic facial pain, our neuromuscular approach can provide valuable insights and potential solutions.
Our Diagnostic Process
At our practice, we utilize cutting-edge diagnostic technology to thoroughly assess and understand your unique oral health challenges. This includes techniques such as electromyography (EMG) to measure muscle activity, computerized jaw tracking to analyze jaw movement, and advanced imaging like MRI or CT scans for precise visualization of the TMJ and adjacent structures.
Tailored Treatment Solutions
Upon reaching a precise diagnosis, our neuromuscular dentists will recommend a personalized treatment plan to address the underlying issues. Our array of treatment options includes:
- Custom Orthotic Devices: These tailor-made oral appliances reposition the jaw to alleviate discomfort and restore proper function.
- Orthodontic Interventions: In some cases, orthodontic treatments may be necessary to correct misalignments, ultimately enhancing jaw and bite function.
- Physical Therapy Collaboration: We work closely with experienced physical therapists to target muscle-related problems effectively.
- Medications: Pain management and muscle relaxant medications can provide much-needed relief from TMD-related symptoms.
- Lifestyle Guidance: Our team may offer practical advice, such as dietary adjustments to minimize jaw strain or effective stress management techniques.
Embracing the Benefits
Neuromuscular dentistry aims to deliver enduring relief from discomfort while improving your oral function. By addressing the root causes of conditions like TMD and bruxism, you can experience a substantial enhancement in your quality of life. Furthermore, this approach can optimize the effectiveness of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures by ensuring proper bite alignment.
Your Path to a Healthier Smile
If you suspect that you could benefit from the expertise of our neuromuscular dentists, we encourage you to reach out to our practice. Our team consists of skilled professionals who have received training in neuromuscular dentistry, utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and tailored treatments. Your journey toward better oral health and a pain-free life begins here.
If you’re experiencing symptoms like jaw pain, headaches, or facial discomfort, consider a consultation with a neuromuscular dentist like Ash & Roberts DDS in Centralia (convenient for patients in Chehalis). Discover the personalized solutions that can transform your life by restoring harmony to your oral health and well-being. You can learn more about us by checking our business page, and make sure to get directions before heading our way.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row]